Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Lemon Cleanse

The Lemon Cleanse is also called the Lemon Diet. It is popular because people use this method to lose weight. The main purpose of it was to cleanse the body of toxins and parasites, and people had results of weight loss.

After hearing results of weight loss, people began taking the Lemon Cleanse. Now, you might end up shedding a couple pounds off your body, but it is not recommended to use this method for the only purposes of losing weight.

For general directions on how to do it, you take a mixture of fresh squeezed lemon juice. You cannot use juice from the previous day. There are a few other ingredients such as maple syrup and cayenne pepper. Pretty much, you drink this every day, recommended for 10 days atleast. Whenever you get hunger, you have a drink of the Lemon Clease.

It is strongly advised that when you are done with your cleanse that you do not eat food such as meat, pizza, or any solids. Your digestive system has become accustom to digesting the lemon cleanse drink and is not ready to jump the gun on regular foods. It is recommended to drink orange juice, or eat an orange. Then maybe after a day you can start to eat salads. The point is to gradually build your digestive system after completing the Lemon Clease.

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